
The Ideal Team Composition


The Ideal Team Composition for an Escape Room


The composition of the team is crucial for escaping an escape room within 60 minutes. To successfully escape, you need a variety of skills: you should be able to thoroughly search the room but not too meticulously to avoid wasting time, perform under pressure while keeping a cool head, and think logically in a group setting with others like friends, colleagues, etc. It is helpful to have different types of people in the group, and Belbin’s nine team roles can be a good guide for this.

A team role is how someone behaves in collaboration with others. The British scientist Belbin published nine team roles in the 1980s that people take on in a group, and knowing each person’s role can help in forming the team. As exciting as it may be, you still want to achieve the fastest time, right?

  1. The Company Man

The leader of the group, often practical. A hard worker who easily turns plans and ideas into executable tasks. Pitfall: may act too quickly without first thinking things through.

  1. The Resource Investigator

The social animal of the team; easily makes contact and enjoys listening to what others have to say. Open-minded and adventurous. Pitfall: can get easily distracted and may become nonchalant if bored.

  1. The Plant

A deep thinker and often introverted. Comes up with surprising solutions through thinking but needs space for this. Pitfall: may overthink instead of acting and is less adept at connecting with the group.

  1. The Monitor

A thoughtful and critical person who follows their intellect and excels at creating an overview: analyzes what is happening and whether it is useful. Pitfall: may analyze for too long and sometimes appears distant.

  1. The Shaper

Performance-oriented and goal-driven, able to motivate others to work. Seeks challenges but may become tense if not everyone follows their lead. Pitfall: can become irritable if others do not cooperate and may sometimes be less considerate of the rest.

  1. The Chairperson

Knows how the game works and often summarizes what everyone wants. Understands the strengths of the group members and places them accordingly. Pitfall: may delegate tasks too quickly.

  1. The Completer

A perfectionist who pays attention to details and ensures everything is running smoothly. Very precise. Pitfall: can be overly concerned and potentially demotivating.

  1. The Teamworker

Ensures a good atmosphere and enjoys helping others. Resolves conflicts and maintains harmony. Pitfall: may avoid conflicts instead of resolving them.

  1. The Specialist

Has extensive knowledge of one specific area and clings to it. This expertise can be valuable. Pitfall: may be too focused on their knowledge without using creativity.

**The Strength of the Nine Roles**

Do you or members of your chosen group recognize yourselves in these roles? Likely, and for a successful escape room team, it’s important to have as many different types as possible:

For instance, the Company Man can ensure that everyone, including themselves, gets into action: if there is a plan to search for clues, they will take action.

The Resource Investigator likes to consult with others; ‘Should we go this way or that way?’. This is helpful for the group as it prevents any one person from dominating the decision-making process.

The Plant is incredibly innovative and has creative solutions to difficult problems, which is useful when you get stuck during the game.

Thanks to the Monitor’s overview, the team gains a perspective on the situation: ‘Does it work to solve this puzzle this way?’. This prevents everyone from aimlessly trying everything.

The Shaper, with their strong will, ensures that everyone works hard within the one hour to escape and is competitive if playing against another group.

The Chairperson ensures that decisions are made quickly: there is little time and hesitation is detrimental, so quick decisions with the group lead to action.

The Completer may sometimes see too many obstacles but assessing risks well ensures that time is not wasted on solving puzzles in ineffective ways.

The Teamworker improves collaboration within the group, which is essential for escaping quickly. The Specialist often has technical skills and provides specific solutions for problems you will undoubtedly encounter in the game.


Each role is important for the dynamics and ultimate success of the group. Consider which people would fit into the group based on their roles so that the team is well-rounded and supports each other effectively.

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